Holly Jackson


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The thrilling final instalment in the A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder trilogy sees sinister attention turn to Pip herself as she races to find a criminal before the past catches up with her in a truly page-turning finale.

Pip Fitz-Amobi is haunted by the way her last investigation ended. Soon she’ll be leaving for Cambridge University but then another case finds her . . . and this time it’s all about Pip.

Pip is used to online death threats, but there’s one that catches her eye, someone who keeps asking: who will look for you when you’re the one who disappears? And it’s not just online. Pip has a stalker who knows where she lives.

The police refuse to act and then Pip finds connections between her stalker and a local serial killer. The killer has been in prison for six years, but Pip suspects that the wrong man is behind bars. As the deadly game plays out, Pip realises that everything in Little Kilton is finally coming full circle. If Pip doesn’t find the answers, this time she will be the one who disappears.


Zaenkrat še ni mnenj.

Bodi prvi ocenjevalec “AS GOOD AS DEAD HB”

Vaš e-naslov ne bo objavljen. * označuje zahtevana polja


EAN 9780008680879
Število strani 576
Leto izdaje 2024
Vezava trda
Jezik angleščina
Šifra (SKU): 1674112
Vse knjige tega avtorja
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