Philippa Perry


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This book is about how we have relationships with our children, what gets in the way of a good connection and what can enhance it

The most influential relationships are between parents and children. Yet for so many families, these relationships go can wrong and it may be difficult to get back on track.

In The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (and Your Children Will Be Glad that You Did), renowned psychotherapist Philippa Perry shows how strong and loving bonds are made with your children and how such attachments give a better chance of good mental health, in childhood and beyond.

She’ll help you to:
– Understand how your own upbringing may be impacting upon your parenting style
– Contain, express, accept and validate your own and your child’s feelings
– Understand that all behaviour is communication
– Break negative cycles and patterns
– Accept that you will make mistakes and what to do about them

Almost every parent loves their children, but by following the refreshing, sage and sane advice and steps in this book you will also find yourselves liking one another too.


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EAN 9780241251027
Število strani 240
Leto izdaje 2019
Vezava broširano
Jezik angleščina
Šifra (SKU): 1671583
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