L. J. Shen



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Now #1 Amazon Bestseller in the entire Amazon store “

Everyone needs to read this book. I’m certain you won’t feel a single regret. ” – Harloe Rae, USA Today Bestselling author.

From Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Washington Post bestselling author L.J. Shen comes a new, standalone romance about first loves, betrayal and loss.

Not all love stories are written the same way. Ours had torn chapters, missing paragraphs, and a bittersweet ending.

Luna Rexroth is everyone’s favorite wallflower. Sweet. Caring. Charitable. Quiet. Fake. Underneath the meek, tomboy exterior everyone loves (yet pities) is a girl who knows exactly what, and who, she wants—namely, the boy from the treehouse who taught her how to curse in sign language. Who taught her how to laugh. To live. To love.

Knight Cole is everyone’s favorite football hero. Gorgeous. Athletic. Rugged. Popular. Liar. This daredevil hell-raiser could knock you up with his gaze alone, but he only has eyes for the girl across the street: Luna.

But Luna is not who she used to be. She doesn’t need his protection anymore. When life throws a curveball at All Saints’ golden boy, he’s forced to realize not all knights are heroes. Sometimes, the greatest love stories flourish in tragedy.


Zaenkrat še ni mnenj.

Bodi prvi ocenjevalec “BROKEN KNIGHT”

Vaš e-naslov ne bo objavljen. * označuje zahtevana polja


EAN 9781405966955
Avtor L. J. Shen
Število strani 380
Leto izdaje 2019
Vezava broširano
Jezik angleščina
Šifra (SKU): 1673605
Vse knjige tega avtorja
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