Kathleen Glasgow


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From the author of bestselling Girl in Pieces, comes the story of a teenage girl on the brink, and the bumpy road back to recovery.

Everyone in Bella’s life needs something from her. Her mum needs her support after the divorce, her dad needs her to look after her sister, her ex needs her to not be ‘too much’. The only person who never needed anything from her was her grandmother. But now her grandmother is dead.

There’s only one thing that dulls the pressure. Alcohol. It smooths the sharp edges of Bella’s life and makes it all so much easier. What’s the big deal? Everyone drinks. And Bella knows she can stop whenever she wants–she just needs to get through Thanksgiving.

But that night changes everything. A Thanksgiving party and too many drinks lands her, unconscious, on the front steps of her mother’s house. With no memory of what happened except a video that went viral and a fractured cheekbone, she wakes up in the hospital, and it’s time to face reality. And for Bella, reality means going to rehab.


Zaenkrat še ni mnenj.

Bodi prvi ocenjevalec “GLASS GIRL”

Vaš e-naslov ne bo objavljen. * označuje zahtevana polja


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