Mia Sheridan



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Kira Dallaire is desperate. She must get married, and fast, to access the inheritance her late grandmother left her. Otherwise, she’ll find herself at the mercy of her wealthy, abusive father. With little money and even fewer options, she uses her quick wit and impulsive heart to come up with a plan.

Grayson Hawthorn is losing hope. A convicted felon with limited capital and dwindling resources, his vow to resurrect his family’s struggling vineyard seems destined to fail. That is, until a young woman enters his office with an outlandish proposal―a win-win business marriage he can’t refuse. But what begins as a temporary arrangement soon threatens to become more, as vibrant, spirited Kira challenges detached, arrogant Grayson to want more from life. To want more for himself.

As their wills clash and fiery passion ignites, the two realize that sometimes the past creates walls too difficult to climb, and lies and deception rarely precede a happily ever after.

A marriage-of-convenience spicy standalone romance from the New York Times bestselling author of Archer’s Voice.


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EAN 9780349441191
Število strani 416
Leto izdaje 2015
Vezava broširano
Jezik angleščina
Šifra (SKU): 1673744
Vse knjige tega avtorja
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