Emily Henry



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‘At turns hilarious and wise, another knockout from the champ’ Taylor Jenkins Reid, DAISY JONES AND THE SIX
‘One of my favourite authors’ Colleen Hoover, IT ENDS WITH US
Smart, sunny, sexy and also a gorgeous story of female friendship‘ Beth O’Leary, THE FLATSHARE


Two exes. One pact.
Could this holiday change everything?

Harriet and Wyn are the perfect couple – they go together like bread and butter, gin and tonic, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds.

Every year, they take a holiday from their lives to drink far too much wine with their favourite people in the world.

Except this year, they are lying through their teeth, because Harriet and Wyn broke up six months ago. And they still haven’t told anyone.

But the cottage is for sale so this is the last time they’ll all be here together. They can’t bear to break their best friends’ hearts so they’ll fake it for one more week.

But how can you pretend to be in love – and get away with it – in front of the people who know you best?

Brimming with characters you can’t help but fall for and off-the-charts chemistry, HAPPY PLACE is Emily Henry doing what she does best!


Zaenkrat še ni mnenj.

Bodi prvi ocenjevalec “HAPPY PLACE HB – SPECIAL ED.”

Vaš e-naslov ne bo objavljen. * označuje zahtevana polja


EAN 9780241728369
Avtor Emily Henry
Število strani 400
Leto izdaje 2023
Vezava trda
Jezik angleščina
Šifra (SKU): 1674069
Vse knjige tega avtorja
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