Bethan Roberts

My Policeman

‘I loved it. Devoured it! A wonderful read. Tense, romantic, smart’ Russell T. Davies

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It is in 1950s’ Brighton that Marion first catches sight of Tom.

He teaches her to swim in the shadow of the pier and Marion is smitten – determined her love will be enough for them both.
A few years later in Brighton Museum Patrick meets Tom. Patrick is besotted with Tom and opens his eyes to a glamorous, sophisticated new world.
Tom is their policeman, and in this age it is safer for him to marry Marion. The two lovers must share him, until one of them breaks and three lives are destroyed.


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Založba Vintage
Vezava mehka
Dimenzije 12.9 x 2.1 x 19.8 cm
EAN 9780099555254
EAN 9780099555254
Jezik angleščina
Šifra (SKU): 1672387
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