Tessa Bailey



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From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of It Happened One Summer and Hook, Line, and Sinker comes a sexy and hilarious rom-com trilogy about three broke and beautiful roommates…

When Honey Perribow traded in her cowboy boots for stilettos and left her small Kentucky town to attend Columbia University, she never expected to find a dirt-cheap apartment or two new best friends. No stranger to hard work, Honey’s sole focus is a medical degree… until she sees newly-minted Professor, Ben Dawson, and her concentration is hijacked. Honey is fascinated by her gorgeous, young English professor and vows to find a crack his tweed-wearing, glasses-clad exterior.

While at an off campus party, an accident lands Ben in a dark, locked closet with a sexy-sounding southern belle…and their chemistry is explosive. But when he discovers that the girl in his arms is the same beautiful college student he can’t stop thinking about, he is stunned. Yet no matter how hard he tries, Ben can’t stay away from Honey.

And when his attempts to fight their attraction nearly ruin the best thing that ever happened to him, Ben will do anything to prove how much he needs her.

“Bailey puts a fun, super-sexy spin on the classic “hot for teacher” trope… The love scenes in Need Me are practically incendiary…” – Booklist


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EAN 9780063329379
Število strani 288
Leto izdaje 2023
Vezava broširano
Jezik angleščina
Šifra (SKU): 1673495
Vse knjige tega avtorja
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