Christina Lauren


TikTok made me buy it! Escape to paradise with this hilarious and feel good romantic comedy!


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The honeymoon of a lifetime . . . with her sworn enemy!

Olive is always unlucky; her identical twin sister Ami, on the other hand, is probably the luckiest person in the world. While she’s about to marry her dream man, Olive is forced to play nice with her nemesis: the best man, Ethan.

Yet Olive’s luck may be on the turn . . . When the entire wedding – except for Olive and Ethan – gets food poisoning, there’s an all-expenses-paid honeymoon in Hawaii up for grabs. Putting their mutual hatred aside, Olive and Ethan head for paradise. But when Olive runs into her future boss, the little white lie she tells him spirals out of control.

Forced to play loving newlyweds, she and Ethan find themselves in closer proximity than they ever expected. Soon, Olive finds that maybe she doesn’t mind pretending. In fact, she’s beginning to feel kind of . . . lucky.


Zaenkrat še ni mnenj.

Bodi prvi ocenjevalec “Unhoneymooners”

Vaš e-naslov ne bo objavljen. * označuje zahtevana polja


Založba Piatkus
Vezava mehka
EAN 9780349417592
EAN 9780349417592
Jezik angleščina
Dimenzije 12.4 x 3.4 x 19.6 cm
Šifra (SKU): 1671788
Vse knjige tega avtorja
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